A gentle and short intro on Data Structures and Algorithms


1 min read

This article is dedicated to guiding upcoming and junior software engineers in comprehending data structures and algorithms.


  • What is DSA

  • Data Structures

  • Algorithms

  • Types of Data Structures

What is DSA

Data Structures and Algorithms serve as the foundational elements that empower the creation of efficient and robust computer programs.

Let's break it down

Data Structures:- It is a storage that can be used to store and organize data in a specialized format.

Algorithms:- This involves the step-by-step instructions for solving problems. For example, An algorithm to add two numbers goes as follows

1 Take the two inputs

2 Add the inputs using the + operator

3 Display the result

Types of Data Structure

It is important to choose the right data structure when solving a DS problem. Data structures are divided into two categories:

  • Linear data structure: This stores and arranges elements sequentially. Examples are Array, Stack, Queue, Linked List, etc.

  • Non-linear data structure: Elements are stored and arranged in a non-sequential fashion. Examples are Heap, Trees, Graph, Hash Table, etc.




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